Social Media

Let Us help you put your business in front of your target market.

Social Media Means Business

As a business, big or small, you may not know the advantages social media can provide you and your company. So, what is social media? Social Media is the interconnected online social network that allows individuals to talk, share information and create communities. This network is imbedded through society, connecting individuals and companies with like-minded interests from across the globe.

As you continue to grow your company, this connectivity can be a great chance to prosper. There are a few things to investigate in order to make sure the growth you want will work to your benefit. This starts with finding the right social platforms for your business, and each platform has a variety of uses, so one may work best for you while another may not. The most popular social media channels right now are:


The most used social media throughout the world, with a setup for business and the ability to use ads throughout. You can post videos, pictures, text and more. This social media channel is versatile and has a wide reach.


Considered its own “search engine” and owned by Google, YouTube can reach hundreds with the use of SEO and gain money through monetization.


Now that Instagram is owned by Facebook, this image-driven social media channel is easier than ever to connect your target market with promotions about your company, new product releases or new content!


This social media platform was initially designed for quick and small excerpts, but it has grown into more than that. Sharing information, keeping up with news, and connecting with public figures can all happen through Twitter.


This social media channel is all about boards, and “pins”. Pinterest has a unique platform for sharing and growing content through the use of boards. What are you interested in? Create a board, have others follow it and have them save it to their own boards.


How is your business looking on LinkedIn? You may be missing valuable leads on this active social medial channel. Let’s talk about how.

Which social media channels are right for your business? Once you decide which channels fit your business and industry, it’s time to create your channels.

Social Media Agency

Generating leads, building customer relationships, and having a community is great but if you are busy, how do you keep up with it all? Creating your initial social media accounts and coming up with a plan to move forward with your followers takes time, and requires a different strategy for each social media platform. This is where you may want to consider hiring a social media agency. Different agencies will do different things for your company but all will work toward helping you save time and generate profit.

Let the staff at Make It Loud show you what excellence looks like with social media marketing. 

When To Hire A Social Media Agency

Like any form of outsourcing, it can be difficult to know when to rely upon outside specialists. We recommend keeping your social media marketing in-house for:

  • Initial relationship building
  • Creating content on a consistent basis
  • Responding to comments & messages
  • Hiring a social media agency makes sense for
  • Generating leads
  • Understanding data
  • Social media ads
  • Initial profile setups
  • Business profile setups
  • Data analysis
  • Reports
  • Teaching you how to manage your own social media

Social Media for Business

Building social media accounts for your business can be time-consuming tasks, but the results are worth it as long as you maintain consistency. A social media presence for your business has the benefit of:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Humanization of your brand
  • Building Trust
  • Increasing Website Traffic
  • Generating leads
  • Increasing sales
  • Promoting Content (made elsewhere and shared)
  • Engagement (ask questions)
  • Assisting with Reputation Management
  • Building Community
  • Providing Service and Support
  • Data gathering (learning from your customers)
  • Target advertising
    • Where your target customers are most concentrated
    • Where your target customers are most accessible
    • Where your target customers most actively engage with ads

Posting on social media can be a great way to show your brand and products to a wide range of people. It can help you can communicate your brand message and create a community from it. Building a community will help you begin to create brand loyalty, which will help spread the word of your products or services through word of mouth. Some people even refer to social media marketing as electronic word of mouth.

Social Media Advertising

Social Media advertising is the direct form of advertising through social networks. This kind of advertising takes your content (Post or Content outside of the accounts that are following your brand), and distributes it throughout the social networks of your choosing for greater reach and promotion.

Social media channels, especially Facebook, make advertising a fairly straightforward thing to do, but being successful requires a general objective. Your objective is what will help drive your campaign and make the ads you create thrive. It also will help you identify the theme for those ads.

In terms of setting your objectives or business goals, social media advertising can help you:

  • Increase your community
  • Grow your sales
  • Use customer generated content for ads
  • Better target new and returning customers
  • Use A/B testing to help you show the best ads on the fly using platform analytics to determine winners

Choosing The Right Social Media Platform(s)

When you are just starting out, many business owners feel they need to be active on all the popular social media channels. This can take a lot of effort and frankly, it can waste a lot of time. It’s important to put some thought into which social media platforms to really target. While we recommend that you claim your social media channels on all the platforms, here are the things to consider when selecting where you’ll be the most active:

  • Where your target customers are most concentrated
  • Where your target customers are most accessible
  • Where your target customers most actively engage with ads (testing required)

The main idea here is that you need to become the most active and only consider advertising on social media platforms where your target market spends their time. Otherwise, it’s like fishing in your swimming pool. That’s just not where the fish are biting.

Social Media Marketing

Can social media really help with your marketing? Of course, it an! Marketing is used to help brands generate leads and increase brand awareness. Therefore, social media marketing is used to create and share content to achieve your marketing and branding goals. Working on Social Media Marketing includes the following activities:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Audio
  • Responding to the community
  • Paid Social Media Advertising

These activities are used to create a strategy and better identify the needs of your clients with what you are producing.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Marketing your business requires an overarching strategy that has two parts: objectives and tactics. Far too often, business owners understand that social media can play a part in their marketing, but they don’t take the time to develop a cohesive strategy for each platform they actively use. How you might use Twitter can be and often is vastly different than how you use Facebook.

Once you establish your objectives for each platform, all of your posts and advertising needs support your objectives. We often recommend that you set up a calendar and begin scheduling your posts to support these objectives.

Getting started with this process can seem difficult. That’s why we’ve developed a series of questions to help business owners begin to define their objectives for their social media:

  • What are your business goals?
  • What does your business need in order to grow?
  • What are you trying to achieve with social media marketing?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Where would your target audience hang out and how would they use social media?
  • What message do you want to send to your audience with social media marketing?


Live Event Feeds

Live events used to be reserved for the big TV broadcast costing thousands of dollars and involving a huge team of people. These big events even had bigger audiences, which only grew larger as technology got better. Because of this growth, it was easier to see your favorite sports and actives live from the comfort of your own home.

As technology has grown, we are now in an age where you are carrying devices that run better and faster than the first manned space capsules. This amazing achievement means that we can do things more affordably and easier. Social media has expanded your reach, not just a few hundred but millions around the globe. This ability has created a new age of broadcasting live events and entertainment.

Two major platforms used for live video are Facebook and Instagram. With a tap of a button, you could be broadcasting yourself or your business to the world for events, sales, or simply communicate with your customers. Don’t let this useful tool slip out of your hands. Some of the activities we can do live feeds for include:

  • Festivals
  • Grand openings
  • Events

If you need extra help to cover an event or have that event covered entirely while you work independently, reach out to us. We do Live Events for social media. We have covered the Duluth Fall Festival social media and Live coverage for the past six years. We have the experience you need to make your event a success on social media.

The ROI Of Social Media 

People ask all the time, “What is the ROI of posting on social media?”

It’s not always a straightforward answer. Think of it this way. Imagine giving a speech about your product or services. Afterward, did people rush the stage to buy what you had to offer? Sometimes, but not always.

This is more about how social media marketing works. It takes time to build your brand awareness, and posting on social media is very much about relationship building. Using your posts to expand your customer base and possibly leading them down your sales funnel takes time. That’s why it’s important to keep up with it.

The goal of consistently posting on social media can vary but here are a few:

  • Building your audience
  • Building your audience into more of a community
  • Presenting special offers to that community
  • Increasing your brand awareness

The goals and possibilities of social media marketing are as limited as your imagination.

Hiring A Digital Marketing Agency For Social Media Posting

There are definitely pros and cons about hiring someone outside your company to do your consistent posting on your social media channels. Here’s how we see the pros:

  • Posts get created and posted on a regular, consistent schedule
  • All posts have an identified strategy or goal to support
  • The goals would be established and progress would be documented
  • This is a huge time saver

Some of the negatives of hiring a resource outside your company include:

  • The agency isn’t aware of the company culture or special or even day-to-day (post-able) events that occur within the organization
  • There is an adjustment period involved in setting the right tone and voice of your company
  • It can take time to align the posts with your company’s vision and message

 The cons suggest it’s often more helpful if a company makes daily posting part of someone’s job description that actually works in the company. Getting an outside agency or resource to post for you can be expensive and may miss the mark more than hit it. Using an agency for your advertising budget on social media is a better, more efficient way to spend your marketing dollars.


Social Media ROI Advertisements

In order to get a more data-driven return of investment, and further reach in a short time, you can consider Social Media Advertising. By using social media advertising like Facebook Ads or Instagram Advertising, you get customers directly involved with your company, its services or products. This works by setting up campaign goals and leading the customer to a landing page where that customer can then begin the further process of becoming a customer or purchase a product. Advertising does cost money, but you can target specific areas and audience groups with it. The more specified your audience is the better chance you have of getting that prospect to become a purchasing customer!

Social Media Marketing Tips

Need Some Tips? We have some!

  1. When looking into social media marketing you need to see what social media platform(s) work the best for your industry.
  2. Make sure they are connected to your website
  3. Have them set up as business accounts
  4. Don’t underestimate the power that each app has
  5. Keep up with it!
  6. Be consistent
    1. With your message
    2. With your name
    3. With your point of view
  7. Cross-Promote your content
  8. Connect your accounts
  9. Post a regularly at the same times

Have your account be in lines with your company motto or goal for a consistent view

Our Service Area For Social Media


We are thrilled to work with any business in the country! That being said, most of our business comes from around Atlanta, but we have happy customers throughout Georgia in Augusta, Savannah, Columbus, Macon, and Athens. We work with companies in South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, and Tennessee as well.

If you’re ready to get your business more from social media marketing, call the staff at Make It Loud and let’s talk about how we can help.

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  Address: 2828 Buford Dr #300, Buford, GA 30519

  Phone: (678) 325-4007

  Office Hours:

Monday - Friday OPEN 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday CLOSED

Address: 3409 N. Holland Sylvania Road, Suite 8, Toledo, Ohio 43615

Phone: 419.405.1609

  Office Hours:

Monday - Friday OPEN 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday CLOSED

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