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A Comprehensive Look At AI Search Engines

Are you using AI Search Engines yet?

If you just asked, “What’s an AI search engine, read on because the way you search for “stuff” is about to change as you know it.

Nearly 90% of people in the United States turn to Google for every question they have, but even Google is changing the way they provide results. Because of Open AI’s relationship with Bing, the leadership at Google issued a red alert, so they recently launched AI Overview.

Ironically, in their effort to avoid losing search market share, Google may have launched the very thing that user don’t want. This means that the average user may be more willing to jump ship and try other search engines to find what they’re looking for.

Several AI search engines stand out for their innovative approaches and interesting capabilities. Some are like chatbots that can search the web for you. These tools harness artificial intelligence to provide search results that are not only relevant but also incredibly personalized.

Thus, we consider it our job to help you identify alternatives. Time to bow to our new AI search engine overlords. Below you will find some options for your consideration.

What Is An AI Search Engine?

An AI search engine utilizes artificial intelligence to enhance the search experience far beyond traditional keyword based searches. Unlike standard search engines that rely solely on matching keywords with website content, AI search engines incorporate machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to comprehend the context and intent behind users’ queries.

Artificial intelligence enables these advanced search engines to learn from past interactions, continuously improving their accuracy and relevance over time. They can interpret complex and nuanced questions, offering results that are more aligned with what users are looking for. This ensures that even if someone doesn’t phrase their search query perfectly, the AI can still provide valuable and pertinent information.

A Brief Survey Of AI Search Engines

Here are some AI search engines you should know about along with their pros and cons:


Perplexity is an AI-powered search engine that provides concise and well-researched answers to queries by leveraging natural language processing and large language models. Perplexity uses advanced AI models like GPT-4 and Claude to understand the context and intent behind user queries.

Instead of presenting a list of web links, it generates a direct answer summarizing the most relevant information from credible sources across the internet. The responses include citations to the referenced sources for transparency.

Some key features of Perplexity include:

  • Ability to ask follow-up questions and get contextual answers within the same search thread
  • Prioritization of newer and more authoritative sources to ensure up-to-date information
  • Option to upload personal files and images to inform the search results (paid Pro version)
  • Image recognition and generation capabilities
  • Freemium model with basic search available for free and advanced features in the paid Pro version

Perplexity aims to provide a more efficient and intuitive search experience by summarizing information from multiple sources into a cohesive answer, rather than overwhelming users with a list of links.


  • Cutting-edge language model with advanced natural language processing capabilities
  • Provides detailed, well-researched, and informative responses
  • Ability to handle complex queries and offer actionable insights
  • Constantly evolving and improving with new updates


  • Limited availability and accessibility for general users
  • Potential for biased or inaccurate responses due to training data limitationsj
  • It still faces challenges in terms of accuracy, bias, and scalability compared to established search engines like Google.
  • Concerns around privacy and data usage

Brave stands out as a revolutionary search engine that integrates privacy focused artificial intelligence to deliver a unique and secure browsing experience. Unlike traditional search engines that often rely on extensive data tracking and profiling to personalize search results, prioritizes user privacy while leveraging AI to enhance search relevance.

Brave’s AI capabilities are centered around providing personalized experiences without compromising on privacy. The search engine does not track users’ search history or behaviors, ensuring that user data remains private and secure. Despite this restricted data access, Brave uses AI to understand and infer user intent, offering relevant and contextually appropriate search results.

One of the primary features of is its use of local processing for search queries. Instead of sending search data back to central servers, Brave processes much of the information on the user’s device. This local processing is powered by artificial intelligence algorithms designed to prioritize user anonymity. By keeping data local, Brave minimizes the risk of data breaches and unwanted profiling, which are common concerns in the digital landscape.

For AI search engine optimization, Brave focuses on different ranking factors compared to other search engines. Given its privacy centric approach, content creators need to consider user centric strategies that resonate without extensive behavioral data. Emphasizing clear and concise information that directly addresses user queries becomes vital.


  • Privacy-focused search engine with built-in ad-blocking and tracking protection
  • Rewards users with cryptocurrency (Basic Attention Token) for viewing ads
  • Offers a unique browsing experience with a focus on user privacy


  • Limited search capabilities compared to larger search engines
  • Reliance on third-party search providers (e.g., Google, Bing) for search results
  • Adoption and user base may be limited due to the niche focus on privacy

brings a fresh perspective to the search engine landscape with its focus on user personalization and privacy, all powered by advanced artificial intelligence. This search engine aims to put users in control of their search experience, offering a customizable interface and a commitment to not tracking or monetizing personal data.

Central to its operations is the innovative use of AI to deliver search results that align closely with individual preferences. Rather than relying on one size fits all algorithms, allows users to tailor their search experience to their specific interests. This user driven approach differs significantly from traditional search engines, which often impose a generalized set of ranking factors.

You’s AI capabilities shine in its ability to aggregate and interpret data from various sources efficiently without compromising user privacy. Using machine learning models, the search engine analyzes and organizes information in a way that ensures relevance and context appropriateness. This means search results are not only supposedly more accurate but also reflect the user’s unique needs and preferences.

Another key feature is the integration of vertical search capabilities, which allows users to search within specific categories or types of content, such as news, social media, or academic papers. By using AI to process and filter these different content streams, offers a more organized and streamlined search experience. Users can easily navigate to the specific information they are seeking, making the search process both efficient and satisfying.

In terms of privacy, ’s commitment stands out. Unlike many search engines that build extensive user profiles to target ads, maintains a strict no tracking policy. This ensures that personal data isn’t harvested, stored, or used for advertising purposes. Even with this privacy focus, ’s AI ensures that search results remain highly relevant and useful.


  • User-friendly interface with a focus on conversational search
  • Integrates with various apps and services for enhanced functionality
  • Offers personalized search results based on user preferences
  • Provides summaries and key takeaways for efficient information consumption


  • Limited scope and coverage compared to established search engines
  • Potential privacy concerns due to personalized data collection
  • Accuracy and reliability may vary depending on the query

Google’s AI Overview

Google seems to be in a serious panic. With Open AI’s relationship with Bing, Google executives issued a red alert and aggressively moved forward with SGE. On May 14, they announced the launch of SGE but renamed it to AI Overview.

In a word, it has the potential to change the way we search on Google forever. Basically, it places AI on more than 80% of searches where the AI engine pulls results from who knows where to present it to the user for review

Forget the bizarres responses AI Overview has given recently, but it’s anybody’s guess whether or not Google’s users want a third party pulling results for them when they search for things online. Given the heat that Google and social media platforms have gotten about censoring conservatives, you could make a case for a resounding “Nope”! Either way, there are certainly trust issues to consider here.

It’s also important to point out that Google has a lot riding on this. They developed and launched AI Overview in part because they were afraid of losing search market share to Bing. If users don’t like this feature, AI Overview could be the very thing that send people to other search engines and creates the lost market share they were initially afraid of. We’ll see if AI Overview ends up being the “New Coke” of search.


  • Leverages Google’s vast resources and data for accurate and comprehensive search results
  • Integrates with various Google services and products for a seamless experience
  • Constantly improving and evolving with new AI and machine learning advancements


  • Privacy concerns due to Google’s data collection practices
  • Potential for biased or skewed results based on Google’s algorithms
  • Already getting seriously negative reviews due to bizarre response such as to keep cheese from sliding off pizza add glue and for better nutrition, eat one small rock daily.
  • Limited transparency regarding the AI models and processes used


As Microsoft’s search engine, Bing was the first search engine to leverage artificial intelligence to offer an enhanced and intuitive search experience. As a major player in the AI search engine arena, utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning models to deliver highly relevant and accurate search results.

The search engine employs deep learning models to understand and interpret visual content. Users can perform searches using images, and ‘s AI can analyze the visual data to provide relevant results, such as identifying landmarks, products, or even translating text from images. This visual search functionality offers a seamless way for users to obtain information without relying solely on text based queries.

Bing’s AI also focuses on personalized search experiences. By analyzing user behavior, search history, and other contextual factors, tailors search results to individual preferences. This personalization extends to offering insights and predicting user needs, which helps in providing more relevant and timely information.

Bing’s integration with the broader Microsoft ecosystem is another significant advantage. Features like Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant, and integration with Office 365 increase ‘s utility and accessibility. This synergy allows users to conduct seamless searches within various Microsoft applications, enhancing productivity and convenience.


  • Powered by Microsoft’s AI and machine learning capabilities
  • Offers a range of features, including visual search and intelligent answers
  • Integrates with Microsoft products and services for enhanced functionality


  • Smaller market share and user base compared to Google
  • Potential for biased or skewed results based on Microsoft’s algorithms
  • Limited transparency regarding the AI models and processes used

ANDI Search

ANDI is an AI-powered search engine that aims to provide direct answers to queries instead of just listing web links.

ANDI utilizes generative AI and natural language processing models to understand user queries and generate concise, factual answers by summarizing and combining information from credible online sources. It presents these answers in a conversational, visually appealing format, almost like chatting with a knowledgeable friend.

Some key features of ANDI include:

  • Ad-free and privacy-focused, without tracking user data or showing sponsored results
  • Ability to provide explanations, summaries, and generate text on complex topics
  • Multiple viewing modes like feed, grid, and list for displaying search results
  • Highlights source websites and links used to generate the answers for transparency

ANDI aims to solve issues like SEO spam, ads, and misinformation plaguing traditional search engines by curating accurate information from trustworthy sources. However, its performance and accuracy may vary depending on the query and the quality of its training data.

Overall, ANDI presents itself as a next-generation search assistant that prioritizes factual, ad-free, and visually engaging search experiences powered by AI.


  • Specialized search engine for academic and research purposes
  • Provides access to scholarly articles, publications, and research data
  • Offers advanced search filters and tools for refining queries
  • Has an impressive array of workflows to make repetitive tasks easier


  • Limited scope and focus on academic and research content
  • Has a delayed response to “think”.
  • Misses the mark pretty largely on any local searches (i.e. Can you find a plumber near me?)
  • Potential for paywalls or subscription requirements to access certain resources
  • User interface and experience may be less intuitive for general users


Waldo is an innovative AI powered search engine designed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of locating digital assets within businesses and enterprises. It leverages advanced AI algorithms to streamline the search process, making it easier for users to find files, documents, and other digital resources across vast and complex databases.

This engine’s AI functionalities are centered around intelligent indexing and contextual search capabilities. By employing machine learning models, can understand the content and context of digital assets far beyond simple keyword matching. This means that the search engine can interpret user queries in a nuanced manner, delivering results that are contextually relevant and precise.

For example, if a user searches for a project document, doesn’t just look for filenames but also considers the content within documents to ensure the most accurate matches are surfaced.

To further enhance user experience, offers personalized search results based on individual user behavior and preferences. The AI continuously learns from past searches and interactions, refining its understanding of what users are most likely to need. This personalized approach ensures that the most relevant and frequently accessed assets are prioritized in search results.


  • Privacy-focused search engine with a strong emphasis on user data protection
  • Has an impressive array of workflows available in lieu of prompts (but you can still use prompts)
  • Doing a “Brand Audit” on your company with this tool is worth your time to see what information exists out there about your business and how your company is perceived online.


  • Limited search capabilities compared to larger search engines
  • Potential for inaccurate or incomplete search results due to privacy constraints
  • Adoption and user base may be limited due to the niche focus on privacy
  • Expensive


Komo is an AI powered search engine that distinguishes itself by offering a highly optimized and user friendly search experience. This AI search engine is designed to deliver swift and accurate results with resources, utilize state of the art artificial intelligence to enhance the effectiveness and precision of its search capabilities.

Their AI driven approach focuses on understanding and processing natural language queries. This means users can enter search queries in a conversational manner, and ’s AI algorithms interpret the context and intent behind the words. By leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, can provide search results that are not just relevant but also contextually more accurate (ideally), addressing the nuances and specifics of user queries.

A key feature of is its personalized search functionality. The AI continuously learns from user behaviors, preferences, and past interactions to tailor search results to individual users. This personalization ensures that each search session on is more efficient and relevant, as the engine adjusts to better meet the user’s unique needs over time.

In terms of privacy, Komo says that they are committed to maintaining user confidentiality. The search engine achieves personalization without extensive data tracking, ensuring that user privacy is respected while still delivering tailored search results.


  • Specialized search engine for local businesses and services
  • Can provide relevant and localized search results based on user location
  • Offers additional features like reviews, ratings, and business information


  • Limited scope and focus on local businesses and services
  • Has a daily limit on free searches. After about 3 or 4, you’re asked to subsribe with the cheapest subscription being $8/month
  • Accuracy and reliability may vary depending on the location and business category
  • User interface and experience may be less intuitive for general users


Yep bills itself from the Google search results (irony) as the “private, revenue sharing search engine”. It disavows other search engines that make more money off content creators while they get none, so their mission is to support “good” content. The creators indicate that their business model is designed to motivate people from all walks of life to share their unique knowledge.

They claim that they use a 90/10 revenue sharing business model where they pay 90% of advertising revenue directly to these content creators. They claim that this model is a new kind of businesses that creates new forms of content that previously didn’t exist.

The search engine is created by some of the same people behind the SEO tool Arefs, so it has an integration with Ahrefs’ massive database of indexed web pages. Given Ahrefs’ background in SEO tools and services, you might think that they provide detailed insights and results that are highly valuable for SEO professionals, marketers, and content creators. The search engine uses AI to draw connections and insights from this extensive database, offering users a unique depth of information not readily available on other platforms.

One of Yep’s unique selling points is its transparent and privacy centric model. promises not to track, store, or sell user data, aligning with growing user concerns about digital privacy. Despite this limitation of not using extensive behavioral data, Yep’s AI ensures that search results remain highly relevant by analyzing the context of queries and leveraging large, anonymized datasets. This balance between AI effectiveness and privacy makes an attractive option for users who value both advanced search functionalities and data security.


  • On the surface, Yep seems to present a nice combination of typical search features along with a chat function
  • Offers a clean and minimalistic user interface for easy information consumption
  • Integrates with various productivity tools and services


  • Limited search capabilities compared to larger search engines
  • In my brief experience, it completely missed the mark with a couple of searches, so it’s clearly still in beta
  • Potential for oversimplified or incomplete search results due to the focus on summaries
  • Adoption and user base may be limited due to the niche focus on concise results


Honorable Mention

Speak AI

While not an AI Search engine in the classic sense, Speak AI is a comprehensive platform that offers various AI-powered tools for working with language data, including an AI meeting assistant, qualitative data analysis software, and audio/video transcription capabilities.

Pros of Speak AI

  • Powerful AI technology for automating tasks like meeting transcription, analysis, and summarization
  • Saves significant time and effort by reducing manual labor intensive processes
  • Offers a range of tools for different use cases like meetings, research, and customer insights
  • Provides a 7-day free trial to test out the fully-featured platform
  • Caters to a wide range of clients including companies, researchers, and marketers
  • Helps unlock competitive advantages, build stronger customer relationships, and make better data-driven decisions

Cons of Speak AI

  • We’re honestly not finding any for businesses that work with a lot of audio data.

Speak AI presents itself as a powerful AI-driven platform for streamlining language data workflows, promising significant time and cost savings. However, more transparency around pricing, product specifics, and performance metrics would help better evaluate its suitability for different use cases

Final Thoughts

Remember, the choice of an AI search engine ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and priorities. Each search engine has its unique strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to evaluate them based on your requirements and make an informed decision.

As an SEO nerd, we have to stay on top of new developments in order to effectively help our clients. If Google’s transition to AI Overview ticks off enough users, they will inevitably find a home with other search engines. This is relevant to all business owners since the main goal is to be where your customers are.

Cliff Tillery, MBA is the Chief Operating Officer and SEO Director at Make It Loud which is a digital marketing firm located outside of Atlanta Georgia. More than 15 years ago, he started search engine optimization at this award-winning agency and has taught digital marketing skills to interns and new employees, business owners at the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center, and other groups.

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Cliff Tillery COO
Cliff Tillery, MBA is the Chief Operating Officer and SEO Director at Make It Loud which is a digital marketing firm located outside of Atlanta Georgia. More than 15 years ago, he started search engine optimization at this award-winning agency and has taught digital marketing skills to interns and new employees, business owners at the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center, and other groups.
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