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Advice and Knowledge from EXPERTS

Is It Time To Redesign Your Website?

Your website is the digital front door of your business. It’s often the first impression potential customers have of your company and your brand.

What impression is your business making online?

Is your website showing up at formal events wearing a striped t-shirt, plaid shorts and flip flops? If so, this could be part of why your online efforts are falling flat.

An outdated, poorly designed, or underperforming website can be detrimental to your online presence, user experience, and ultimately, your bottom line. In fact, a bad website can aggressively chase your potential customers straight into the waiting arms of your competition,

If you’re unsure whether it’s time to invest in a website redesign, here are some telltale signs to help you decide:

Outdated Design and Poor User Experience

Your website’s design plays a crucial role in capturing and retaining visitor’s attention. If your site looks like it’s stuck in the early 2000s or worse, with a cluttered layout, slow loading times, and a lack of responsiveness across devices, chances are visitors will quickly bounce off. A modern, visually appealing, and intuitive design is essential for providing a seamless user experience and keeping visitors engaged.

At our agency, we won’t accept business websites that have outdated websites as SEO clients. It’s not a brag. We simply understand that accepting a client with a bad website for SEO is an exercise in frustration and futility for us both. Why do all that work to drive traffic to a site where visitors will only throw up in their mouths a little before moving on?

Low Search Engine Rankings and Poor SEO Performance

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your website. An outdated website design can negatively impact your SEO performance, resulting in low search engine rankings and reduced visibility. Factors like mobile-friendlinessN (yes, we’re still obligated to keep talking about that even in 2024!), page load speed, and crawlability can all affect your site’s ability to rank well in search results.

We’re not afraid to say it but there are some website platforms that just don’t rank well. Google says they want to display the best websites in their precious search results. While there are other types of websites that Google is good with, we only build websites in WordPress since nearly 50% of all sites ranked well in the search results is made with this platform. We can’t say that for some of the DIY website platforms- many of which don’t even have double digit usage.

If you’re noticing a consistent decline in organic traffic and keyword rankings, it may be time to consider a redesign with SEO in mind.

Branding and Messaging Inconsistency

Consistency is key when it comes to branding and messaging. If your website’s design, content, and overall aesthetic are misaligned with your brand’s identity, it can confuse visitors and convey the wrong message. A website redesign can help ensure that your branding and messaging are cohesive across all digital touchpoints, reinforcing your brand’s credibility and professionalism.

We recently took on a client that had different color palettes throughout his site including within his logo. His site literally was patched together from two different websites that he decided to merge into one. The problem here is that this type of inconsistency can lead to subtle issues of mistrust with the visitors. And, we all know the value of quickly establishing trust with our customers. Consistency goes a long way toward establishing that trust.

From different types of fonts, to pictures that don’t make sense (images of a lake and forests for a clinical website for example), there are thousands of ways that web designers toss around colors, verbiage and images in a way that subtly subtracts trust away from the business. Here are just a few we’ve encountered over the years:

  • The over use of red and black on a veterinarian’s website. These colors represent blood and death, so why bring your furry family member to a vet like that?
  • One roofing company we met with used a forest green color in their logo which is a color that reminded many visitors of mold which is something you definitely don’t want from your roofing company.
  • Many pest control companies have bugs all over their website, but the reality is that people see bugs in their home and call exterminators to get rid of that vision. The last thing they want is to go onto a website and see more bugs. That’s why they’re calling the pest control company to begin with!

Lack of Conversion Optimization and Clear Calls-to-Action

Your website’s primary goal should be to convert visitors into leads or customers- period. If your site lacks clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs), or if your conversion rates are consistently low, it could be a sign that your design needs improvement.

You’d be amazed at the number of websites we see where the business owner wants more calls or forms filled out and neither are present on the home page. This is an example of how the web designer failed to align the website with the business goals. It’s not rocket surgery…if that was a thing.

It’s just a simple fact that well-designed website should guide visitors through a seamless journey, with strategically placed CTAs that encourage desired actions and help bring more customers to your business.

There’s Data To Support A Redesign

First off, it’s amazing to us how many websites we still see that do not have Google Analytics attached. This is a free thing that Google gives you that provides all kinds of useful information about how visitors are using your website.

One of the key metrics to pay attention to is your bounce rate for certain pages. If your home page is consistently getting a high bounce rate of let’s say over 80% or 90% then there’s the data that supports the idea that your site is not giving visitors what they’re looking for.

Lack of Integration with Current Technologies and Trends

We all know that the digital landscape is constantly evolving, and businesses need to keep up with the latest technologies and trends to remain competitive. If your website is not integrated with popular platforms, tools, or features (e.g., social media, live chat, a CRM, or AR/VR for example), you may be missing out on opportunities to engage with your audience and provide a cutting-edge user experience.

Other Quick Signs Your Site Needs A Redesign

Here are some other quick ideas that suggest that it’s time to redesign:

  • If your current design is more than 3 years old, it’s probably beginning to look dated. If it’s over 5 years old, it’s definitely dated
  • If you still use side bars or your site doesn’t use full width, it’s way past time. Your site belongs in a museum.
  • If your sales team or other staff is embarrassed to show customers your website, it’s time.
  • If you can’t make minor changes to the content of your site yourself, that’s no bueno. Every business owner needs access to their own business website.
  • If you’re paying hundreds of dollars a month simply for the privilege of having a website, it’s time you get away from that nonsense and spend your money on effective marketing instead.

The Redesign Process and Benefits

A website redesign is a strategic investment that can yield significant returns for your business. At Make it Loud, our experienced team will guide you through the entire process, from initial planning and wireframing to design, development, and launch. A successful redesign can result in improved user experience, better SEO performance, increased conversion rates, stronger branding, and a competitive edge in your industry.


If you’ve noticed any of the above signs, it may be time to consider a website redesign. An outdated or underperforming website can negatively impact your online presence, user experience, and overall business success. Don’t let your website hold you back – invest in a modern, user-friendly, and high-performing website that accurately represents your brand and drives conversions.

Ready to take your website to the next level? Contact Make it Loud today to schedule a consultation and receive a free website evaluation and redesign quote. Our team of digital experts will work closely with you to create a website that exceeds your expectations and delivers tangible results. Don’t wait – take the first step towards a website that truly makes an impact.

Cliff Tillery, MBA is the Chief Operating Officer and SEO Director at Make It Loud which is a digital marketing firm located outside of Atlanta Georgia. More than 14 years ago, he started search engine optimization at this award-winning agency and has taught digital marketing skills to business owners at the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center, and other groups.

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