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How to Engage Your Audience on Social Media

Are your social media channels an effective part of your marketing mix?

It might be time to change some things up in 2024.

For many businesses, social media has become an important tool for engaging with your audience. With millions of people using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn on a daily basis, businesses and individuals can connect with their target audience in a way that was never before possible.

But with so much competition for attention, it’s important to have a strategy in place to truly engage your audience on social media.

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is a form of internet marketing that uses social networking sites as a marketing tool. The goal of social media marketing is to create and share content that will engage and inspire users to share it within their social network. By leveraging the power of social media, businesses can connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive website traffic.

But, let’s be honest, the real goal of social media for the users is to get that little shot of dopamine- that little blip of “Oh, that’s cool!” in the middle of our brains.

One of the key components of social media marketing is creating a social media strategy that defines the goals and objectives for the business. This strategy will outline the target audience, the platforms to be used, and the type of content to be shared. Social media marketing can include a wide range of tactics such as creating and sharing posts, videos, and images, running paid advertising campaigns, engaging with followers, and measuring the success of the efforts.

The main advantage of social media marketing is the ability to connect with a large audience at a relatively low cost. That’s the concept of it all anyway.

With billions of people actively using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, businesses have the opportunity to reach and engage with potential customers all over the world. Social media also allows for targeting specific audiences based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors, which can result in more effective marketing.

Another benefit of social media marketing is the opportunity for businesses to build relationships with their audience. By engaging with followers through comments, shares, and likes, businesses can develop a loyal and dedicated community of supporters. This can lead to higher brand loyalty, increased customer retention, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Social Media Activity Vs Social Media Marketing

One slight difference that we like to make with our customers is the difference between social media posting and actual marketing.

To us, simply posting regularly and consistently on social media isn’t really marketing so much. Why? Simple.

Think of how many people see your posts when you share something on Facebook. The numbers are low and ever-changing. Mostly, you’re sharing with people who already know your business and your brand.

While this can be a good thing if you’re creating a “tribe” of loyal customers and looking at ways to attract return customers, social media marketing is the process of reaching beyond your followers to expose them to your brand and what you do.

Given that marketing should pay for itself, we’re more advocates of social media marketing vs simply posting for our clients.

Benefits of social media marketing

Social media marketing has become an important part of marketing for many businesses. y. With the popularity of social media platforms, businesses can reach a wider audience and connect with potential customers in a more direct and personal way.

One of the biggest benefits of social media marketing is the ability to increase brand awareness. By creating engaging and shareable content, businesses can reach new potential customers and increase their online presence. Social media also allows for targeted advertising, meaning businesses can reach the right people at the right time, leading to higher conversion rates.

Additionally, social media marketing provides a cost-effective way to promote products and services. Traditional forms of advertising, such as print and TV ads, can be expensive and often have limited reach. In contrast, social media marketing allows businesses to reach a larger audience at a fraction of the cost.

Another benefit of social media marketing is the ability to build relationships with customers. By engaging with followers and responding to their comments and messages, businesses can create a sense of community and loyalty among their customer base. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Social media marketing can provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing engagement and interaction with posts and ads, businesses can gain a better understanding of what their customers want and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

Social media marketing statistics

With an increasing number of people using social media platforms, the reach and potential for engagement with consumers are greater than ever before. Here are some key statistics that highlight the power of social media marketing:

– 3.8 billion people around the world are actively using social media, which equates to about half of the global population. This means that businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to connect with a vast and diverse audience.

– In the United States, 79% of the population has at least one social media profile. This is a staggering number and emphasizes the importance of businesses maintaining a strong presence on these platforms.

– 54% of social browsers use social media to research products. This indicates that consumers are actively using social media not only for entertainment but also as a tool for making purchasing decisions.

– 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to others. This shows the potential for social media marketing to have a significant impact on brand loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.

– 54% of social media users use social media to research products. This indicates that consumers are actively using social media not only for entertainment but also as a tool for making purchasing decisions.

– 90.4% of Millennials, 77.5% of Gen X, and 48.2% of Baby Boomers are active social media users. This demonstrates that social media marketing is not just for reaching younger demographics but can also be effective in reaching older generations.

With a large and engaged audience, the ability to influence purchasing decisions, and the opportunity to build brand loyalty, businesses cannot afford to overlook the power of social media marketing in their overall marketing strategy. It is clear that social media marketing can help increase the bottom line for many businesses.

How to engage your audience on social media

With the vast amount of content being shared daily, it can be challenging to capture and maintain the attention of your audience. Engaging your audience on social media is crucial for building brand awareness, driving traffic to your website, and ultimately increasing your sales.

Here are our suggestions on how to improve your numbers with social media:

1. Identify your ideal social outlets and audience.

Identifying your ideal social outlets and audience is essential for anyone looking to build a strong and engaged social media presence. With the vast array of social platforms available, it’s important to pinpoint which ones align best with your brand or business and to understand who your primary audience is.

First, consider which social outlets you feel most comfortable and confident using. Whether it’s Instagram for visual content, Twitter for quick updates, or LinkedIn for professional networking, choosing platforms that you enjoy will make it easier to consistently engage with your audience. It’s also important to keep in mind where your target audience is most active and engaged. For example, if you’re targeting a younger demographic, Instagram and TikTok might be more effective than Facebook or LinkedIn.

Next, consider who your ideal audience is. What are their interests, behaviors, and demographics? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your content to resonate with them and ensure that you’re reaching the right people. Conducting market research and using social media analytics can provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and habits.

Once you’ve identified your ideal social outlets and audience, it’s important to create a cohesive content strategy that speaks directly to them. This might involve creating specific types of content, such as how-to videos or industry insights, or using targeted advertising to reach your audience on the platforms they frequent most.

2. Assemble your content calendar

A content calendar is a crucial tool for any content creator, social media manager, or marketing team. It provides a clear, organized plan for creating and sharing content, helping to ensure that your messaging is consistent and relevant to your audience. But creating a content calendar can be a daunting task, especially if you have a lot of different platforms and audiences to consider. Here are some tips for assembling your content calendar effectively.

Once you have a good understanding of your channels and your audience, it’s time to start planning your content. Begin by outlining any key dates or events that you want to incorporate into your content calendar. This might include product launches, holidays, or industry events. Then, brainstorm ideas for content that will be relevant and engaging to your audience.

After you have a list of content ideas, start to organize them on a calendar. Consider how often you want to post on each platform and how much time you have to dedicate to content creation. Some channels may require daily updates, while others may only need a few posts per week.

Finally, be sure to leave room for flexibility in your content calendar. Things can come up that require a shift in your messaging, so it’s important to be able to pivot when needed. And don’t forget to regularly review and update your content calendar to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

Assembling a content calendar can be a time-consuming process, but it’s well worth the effort. With a clear plan in place, you can ensure that your content is well thought out, consistent, and engaging for your audience. So take the time to assemble your content calendar, and watch your content strategy flourish.

3. Create compelling social media content.

Creating compelling social media content is crucial in order to stand out in a sea of information and capture the attention of potential customers.

Since you’ve identified your audience, your content needs to resonate. Aim posts at:

  • Interests
  • Fears
  • Pain Points
  • Deepest Desires
  • Solutions

Another important aspect of creating compelling social media content is to be consistent with your brand messaging and visuals. Your social media posts should reflect your brand’s personality, values, and aesthetics. Consistency not only helps to build brand recognition but also creates a cohesive and professional image for your business.

Utilizing different content formats can also help to make your social media content more compelling. In addition to traditional text posts, consider incorporating visual content such as photos, infographics, and videos. Visual content tends to attract more attention and engagement on social media platforms, so leveraging these formats can help to make your posts more captivating.

Lastly, storytelling can be a powerful tool for creating compelling social media content. People are naturally drawn to stories, so using storytelling techniques in your social media posts can help to captivate your audience and make your content more memorable. Whether it’s sharing customer success stories, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business, or personal anecdotes, storytelling can help to create a deeper connection with your audience.

4. Use strategic hashtags in your social media posts.

With millions of posts being shared every day, businesses need to stand out among the crowd. Hashtags help.

Hashtags are keywords or phrases preceded by the pound sign(#) that categorize content and make it easier for users to discover related posts. By using relevant and popular hashtags, businesses can increase the likelihood of their posts being seen and engaged with by potential customers.

When choosing hashtags, it’s important to consider the interests and behaviors of your target audience. By using hashtags that are related to your industry, product, or service, you can increase the chances of your posts being discovered by users who are interested in what you have to offer.

Additionally, using trending hashtags can help your posts gain exposure and reach a larger audience. By tapping into popular conversations and topics, businesses can take advantage of the momentum surrounding a particular hashtag, increasing the visibility of their posts and attracting new followers and potential customers.

It’s important to note that while using hashtags can be beneficial, it’s essential to use them strategically and not overdo it. Overloading your posts with hashtags can come across as spammy and detract from the message you’re trying to convey. Instead, aim to use a mix of relevant and trending hashtags that are closely aligned with your content.

5. Encourage users to share your social posts.

Encouraging users to share your social media posts can significantly boost your online presence and brand recognition. When your followers share your content, it increases the reach of your posts and exposes your brand to new audiences. Here are four ways to encourage your users to share your social media posts.

First, create engaging and valuable content that your followers will want to share. Whether it’s a funny meme, a useful tip, or an inspiring story, make sure your content provides value to your audience. When your followers find your posts interesting or helpful, they are more likely to share it with their friends and followers.

Second, include a call to action in your posts that encourages users to share. Simply asking your followers to share your content can be an effective way to boost engagement and increase the likelihood of your posts being shared. You can also incentivize sharing by running a contest or giveaway that requires users to share your post in order to enter.

Third, make it easy for users to share your content by including social sharing buttons on your website and blog posts. When followers come across your content outside of social media, such as on your website or blog, they should have the option to easily share it with their social networks with just a click of a button.

Lastly, show appreciation for those who do share your content. When someone shares your post, take the time to thank them and engage with their post. This not only encourages that user to continue sharing your content, but it also shows your gratitude to your followers for helping to promote your brand.

6. Listen and be responsive.

One way to show that we value and respect those around us is by actively listening and being responsive to their needs.

Listening is a skill that can be easily overlooked, but it is crucial in building strong relationships and fostering a sense of understanding and empathy. When we truly listen to others, we are showing them that their thoughts and feelings are important to us. This can help to create a deeper connection and build trust in our relationships.

Being responsive goes hand in hand with listening. It involves not only hearing what others have to say but also taking action to address their needs and concerns. This could be as simple as offering support and encouragement, or it could involve actively seeking solutions to help them overcome obstacles.

By being responsive, we can show others that we care and are willing to make an effort to help them. This can go a long way in building strong and meaningful relationships.

In the end, listening and being responsive are key components in showing respect and empathy towards others. By making a conscious effort to be present and attentive to the needs of those around us, we can build stronger connections and create a more harmonious and supportive community.

The importance of sticking to content themes

Whether it’s a blog, social media, or email marketing, maintaining a clear and coherent theme throughout your content is essential for attracting and retaining a loyal audience.

Consistency in content themes helps to establish your brand identity and voice. When you consistently publish content that revolves around a specific theme, you are effectively communicating your brand’s core values and expertise. This consistency helps to build trust and credibility with your audience, making it easier for them to understand what your brand is all about.

Short-form video

With the rise of platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, short-form video content has become a staple in the daily online experience of millions of users.

One of the main appeals of short-form video is its brevity. In a world where attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, short-form video provides easily digestible content that can be consumed on the go. This makes it an ideal format for capturing the attention of a busy audience, especially younger generations who are constantly seeking quick and entertaining content.

Another key reason for the popularity of short-form video is its ability to quickly convey information or entertainment. With just a few seconds or minutes, creators can share their stories, showcase their talent, or deliver important messages to their audience. This makes short-form video an effective tool for both entertainment and marketing purposes.

Collaborate with influencers & creators

Here’s one of the most potent strategies for amplification: collaboration with creators. These savvy individuals possess a dedicated audience, a talent for engaging storytelling, and an inherent understanding of the platforms they navigate. Partnering with the right creator can propel your brand into new territories, unlock fresh perspectives, and inject your social media presence with a vital spark.

But collaborating isn’t simply throwing a brand logo at a popular face. It’s about forging a genuine connection, aligning your values with theirs, and co-creating content that resonates with both your audiences. Here’s how to turn collaboration into a winning formula:

1. Find the Perfect Fit: Don’t chase followers; chase authenticity. Seek creators whose values, style, and audience demographics align with your brand. A fitness brand wouldn’t partner with a gamer, and a fashion label wouldn’t click with a DIY enthusiast. Research, identify a genuine connection, and approach creators whose vision meshes with yours.

2. Co-Create, Don’t Dictate: Don’t stifle creativity with rigid demands. Instead, brainstorm together, give creators creative freedom, and trust their understanding of their audience. Allow them to infuse their unique voice into the collaboration, ensuring the content feels natural and engaging. Remember, your audience is likely following them for a reason – tap into that magic.

3. Leverage Their Expertise: Creators are masters of their platform. Lean on their knowledge of trends, hashtags, and engagement tactics. Let them guide you toward relevant formats, like product reviews, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses. Embrace their platform expertise and watch your content soar.

4. Amplify Each Other: Collaboration is a two-way street. Promote the creator alongside your brand. Share their content on your channels, tag them in posts, and encourage your audience to follow them. Remember, it’s a partnership, not a one-sided transaction.

5. Measure and Optimize: Track the performance of your collaborations. Analyze engagement metrics, reach, and brand sentiment. Use these insights to identify what resonates and refine your future collaborations. Continuously learn and adapt to maximize the impact of your partnerships.

By investing in meaningful collaborations with creators, you’ll tap into a wealth of creativity, expand your reach, and inject your brand with a renewed sense of energy. So, step outside your comfort zone, find the perfect partner, and unlock the power of social media’s most dynamic duo: brands and creators.

Pro-tip: conduct a competitive analysis to help your content stand out

With all the noise on social media, it’s more important than ever to make your content stand out. One of the best ways to do this is to conduct a competitive analysis. This involves taking a close look at your competitors’ content to see what they’re doing well and where you can improve.

Here are a few things to look for when conducting a competitive analysis:

  • What types of content are your competitors creating?
  • What are their most popular posts?
  • What hashtags are they using?
  • What is their engagement rate?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?

Once you have a good understanding of your competitors, you can start to develop a content strategy that will help you stand out. Here are a few tips:

  • Create content that is unique and different from your competitors.
  • Focus on quality over quantity.
  • Use high-quality visuals.
  • Be consistent with your posting schedule.
  • Engage with your audience.

By following these tips, you can create a social media presence that will help you achieve your business goals.


If you’d like help with your social media marketing, contact us at 678.325.4007 for a free consultation today. We have one job- to make your business more money.

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Cliff Tillery COO
Cliff Tillery, MBA is the Chief Operating Officer and SEO Director at Make It Loud which is a digital marketing firm located outside of Atlanta Georgia. More than 15 years ago, he started search engine optimization at this award-winning agency and has taught digital marketing skills to interns and new employees, business owners at the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center, and other groups.
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