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Artificial Intelligence And Chat GPT-3

Is it time to bow to your new Artificial Intelligence Overlord? If that seems dramatic, it may be, but not by much.

The fact is, AI may not be ready to take over and control all humanity just yet, but it is coming at some point soon. While Artificial Intelligence used to be the stuff of Sci-Fi movies, it has officially arrived now and is probably a bigger part of your life than you realize.

A Brief History of AI

Since the development of computers, the goal has been to create computer systems that could handle as many steps and skills as humans can provide. From the first digital computers in the 1940s through the development of microprocessors and even the first iPhone, the goal has always been to make computers smarter.

Computer systems evolved at a rapid pace, becoming a core component of everyday life within a matter of decades. You could attribute one of the first uses of artificial intelligence to a remote-controlled mouse that, in 1950, was able to find its way out of a maze and remembered the course it took to do so.

A look back to just 10 years ago, and it would be hard to find any type of machine that could offer any type of language or image recognition or processing ability that was close to the human level. AI systems have steadily improved since that time, though, and these systems are now able to beat out humans in many types of tests, including speech recognition, handwriting recognition, reading comprehension, language understanding, and image and facial recognition.

There are many examples of AI in the real world where it still does not meet the needs of humans nor does it compare. There are other systems that are helping to make AI technology readily available, whether in the use of speech recognition or perhaps in the development and management of images.

If fact, AI systems can now do a better job of generating images with clarity and a significant improvement from where they were in just 2014.

Trends in AI

We’re now in 2023, and AI is becoming more readily available and a functional component of our lives in many new ways. One of the most important steps you can take is to understand how it is progressing and how you can use it to achieve your goals. Take a look at some of the most impactful AI trends.

AI for Text, Speech, and Vision

One of the biggest areas of advancement likely in the short term is the continued development of AI for text, speech, and vision. These systems are able to use the treasure of intelligence and details in customer conversations to better understand crucial consumer insights. This can help improve things like product and service effectiveness and the design of virtual assistance that can handle a wide range of tasks, including providing customer service support.

Depending on the type used, they could also help with cross-selling and upselling, increasing customer engagement, and achieving transcription between various languages.

AI and Creative Arts

Generative AI is a type that allows for the augmentation of content creation. It can help with written material, images, and videos while also reducing turnaround time. They can be used to create immersive content, utilized in filmmaking, and employed in marketing aspects. That is where, for example, GPT-3 will play a role, helping to produce fiction as well as non-fiction works, creating comprehensive essays from prompts.

Improving Ethical and Responsible Elements of AI

Another trend in the industry will be to use AI to improve accountability, expose and minimize bias, and improve overall decision-making systems, so they are not dependent on any aspect of ethical limitation. This could help with reducing liability risks. For example, it can help with removing bias from loan application decisions or make better use of data for healthcare treatment decisions.

Elevating Customer Experiences

AI is also helping retailers to improve efficiencies in their operations while helping to drive better customer experiences. AI is likely to continue to become a tool to help with driving brand awareness as well. This can be done, for example, by creating improved shopping experiences using computer vision and AI systems that can help to reduce the hassles of purchasing. At the same time, it can enhance the experience through hyper-personalization.

These are just some of the ways that AI is already working. That doesn’t touch on the numerous applications of AI in virtually every field.

Why You Should Care

Is AI really important? There are various ways that artificial intelligence can play a role in the lives of people. Consider some examples of the benefits it can bring to various industries and applications.

·      Automation. One of the most impactful ways that AI is improving business models, and consumer lives is through automation. That is, it can handle many of the tasks people typically have to do that are repetitious or that employees typically need to take breaks to complete.

·      Analysis. AI is also able to provide analysis of information and do so at a much faster rate than humans can. That’s an essential factor for businesses that need to continue to streamline operations and improve efficiencies.

·      Enhance Solutions. AI can also be incorporated into the work you do for its ability to enhance outcomes. For some companies, this means improving the function of conversation bots and customer service tools. It could also help to make products smarter and more effective by providing better recommendations.

·      ROI. The bottom line for nearly all companies is how AI has the ability to enhance or improve ROI. There are a lot of expectations here and a lot of differences from one industry to the next. Yet, many find that with a better ability to analyze value and lower cost thanks to not having to pay humans, as well as producing fewer mistakes, it can offer a better long-term outcome and improve profit margins as it is.

What does that mean to you as a business owner? It could mean many things, such as:

·      You may be able to do more with less, getting more for your investment in your company.

·      It may mean reducing expenses that could be limiting growth and profits now.

·      Businesses may be able to reach more people and grow their customer base.

The key here is finding the sweet spot where human and AI intelligence come together to create the desired outcome for your company.

What People Are Already Doing with AI

AI is being incorporated into a wide range of applications and business models now, and that is likely to increase over time. One of the best ways to see how any technology or resources can help you is to consider how well it is working for others in similar situations. Here’s a look at some of the industries using AI in various ways and what that could mean for your business model.


AI technology is a key component of a variety of aspects of the retail industry. For example, it is being used to help improve inventory management and control. It can help with analyzing data to improve store layout to increase sales and conversions. It can also help with making recommendations for new products or services that a customer may want or need. That application applies to in-person and digital stores.


The banking industry is finding that it can count on AI for a wide range of financial transactions and tools. For example, it can be used to eliminate bias in decision-making. It can also help to detect fraudulent activity far faster. It is being used as a way to ensure accuracy in account management and automate many of the data input tasks that have for a long time been completed by people.


The healthcare industry is utilizing AI now as a way to handle some of the most intricate of tasks, such as ensuring medications are personalized based on data and sending patients reminder appointments for various activities or needs. It can also be incorporated into other aspects of patient care, such as encouraging dietary and exercise regimens customized to fit a person’s specific needs or goals.


In the manufacturing sector, AI is working to improve forecasting and efficiencies in virtually all components of the industry. It is being used as a way to manage logistics and automate tasks that tend to require careful details, like recording numbers or capturing data at a fast pace.


In the marketing industry, AI is being used in many ways to achieve improved customer engagement and satisfaction. It can provide better data analytics by taking huge amounts of data and creating a better understanding of how to promote products and services to customers. It is also providing brand partnership opportunities with influencers and working to improve efficiencies in most types of content creation and development.

Answering Phones

Does anyone like phone trees? We doubt it. There are AI services out there that can provide full-service options when answering the phone that mimics a live person. The AI bot can respond to questions and direct calls to wherever you need them to go. You can customize the voices to imitate whatever accent or nationality you like.

Fears About AI

As with any new technology, there are significant fears about AI that include everything from the elimination of jobs to the elimination of all mankind.

There are other fears many have, such as:

·      AI could be used to create biased outcomes. Though this seems the opposite of what it should do, there are some who worry that it could create algorithms that are biased toward various elements based on the use of older data.

·      AI may become smarter than we are. There is another fear that AI outcomes will be hard to explain, that over time, it will produce very accurate information, but it will be hard to understand what made that prediction accurate.

·      AI could make really bad decisions for us which presently is a serious concern.

About Chat GPT-3

One of the most significant forms of AI being talked about today is Chat GPT-3. Introduced to the public at the end of November 2022, this tool is designed to answer just about any question you could ask it with better accuracy because, simply, it was programmed with nearly two billion data parameters.

GPT-3 is a type of language-processing AI model. It was developed by OpenAI. What makes it so unique is its ability to create text that is very human-like. It can be used in a wide range of ways, too, including language modeling, translation services, and generating text for chatbots that are answering your customer’s questions.

What Chat GPT-3 does is not just use a bank of pre-created content to answer the questions that people have, but it develops its own answers based on the data it obtains. This allows it to have more dynamic and expansive skills and, therefore, to help people to get the information they need just as if they were talking to a person on the phone to get those answers.

It was developed using 175 billion parameters. That is what makes it so unique – it is such a large tool that it can do a great number of tasks. It is not able to produce video, sound or access the internet, but it is able to do many other things. That includes writing poems, creating novels, and explaining hard-to-understand topics in written and spoken words in a simple-to-understand way.

It can be fun to play with it and see how it can work to answer your own questions. Yet, from the standpoint of understanding how it works in business, consider what is really behind it. That is, its real benefit is its ability to be faster and to understand complicated matters that can sometimes be far more difficult for people to understand.

It takes people hours to take in a lot of information, analyze it, and then produce an article from it – and that is made even more challenging when the topic is quite involved (whether it’s quantum physics or explaining relationships). What it does is gather data from other resources and then produce an alternative version, often within just a matter of seconds. Typically, it is decently written, too.

How does it actually do this? In short, it:

·      Takes the question or request for information from you.

·      It uses the prompts and data points that include books, articles, and much more, to gather information from all of the parameters and previous prompts fed into the system.

·      It then uses probability to guess the words to form sentences.

·      It can “remember” your previous questions and prompts to carry on a conversation with you.

That’s a very simplistic version of how it works, but the most important thing to remember is that this tool works to gather information and formulate an answer based on what’s available.

How to Use Chat GPT-3

There are various ways that Chat GPT-3 works and can be used as a component of your business. Here are a few things to remember. It does not replace the insight and experience of your employees or other business partners.

So, what can it do for you, then?

One of the most effective ways that brands are using Chat GPT-3 now is to power chatbots, which are tools that are quickly popping up on company websites. You ask the bot a question, and the bot answers it. It definitely makes long customer service times a thing of the past.

In this way, these tools can help you to ensure your customers are able to get their questions answered right away, and that can certainly improve the customer’s experience, as long as the information they receive is high in quality and accurate (remember, there’s a need for a person to still ensure that all information is still accurate).

This could be a way for your business to start generating ideas for future endeavors as well as working on creating content for your customers, too. While it has yet to deliver on its ability to create truly human-like, engaging content, it can be helpful in creating titles or starting the research. It can also be seen as a tool to help with gathering data about how customers engage with content.

There are many ways that companies can use this type of tool to enhance outcomes. For example, if there are numerous automated tasks to complete, AI can certainly fill in the gap and do that work for you. If you want to provide customers with a strong sales pitch that is going to get them to buy, you probably still want a human behind the scenes here.

More so, companies that are using it now tend to have very large marketing budgets, to the point where they are able to develop in-house machine learning tools that can then improve the analysis and targeting of customers. They can also use this information to better understand customer engagement analytics and dive deeply into targeting and ad generation as a result.

Consider What Others Are Doing with Chat GPT-3

If you are looking for some examples of how Chat GPT-3 can work to fit your needs, consider some of the ways that people are already using it.

Create a logo using Chat GPT-3

Though it could be seen as a unique way to use the tool, it may be possible to use it to create a logo by using some text-to-image strategies. The tool responds to text, but it is able to create code to generate a computer graphic.

Write a song

Do you need a jingle for a social media campaign that you plan to run? You could turn to this tool to help you to create it. It could help you to write the entire song as long as you are not relying on cutting-edge or brand-new insights to do it.


CHAT GPT is gaining a lot of attention for its ability to code. This can be both incredibly useful to debug programs and incredibly harmful since people have used it to create malware. This is a perfect example of how new technology can be used for good and evil.

Write a book

You can use it to write an entire book, and chances are good it will be ready for you within a few hours. However, there are some limitations to this, such as it will not be able to incorporate as much sexual or violent content as the human mind can come up with.

It’s also important to note the limits. Because of how it works, Chat GPT-3 is only applicable to information that’s already out there. That is, it cannot do a good job with current event information at this point.

How Does Google “Feel” About AI-Generated Text?

Is Google against the use of AI text? The short answer is yes. Using AI-generated content is against Google’s guidelines presently, but there’s a huge question here.

Can Google detect AI content?

At the moment, that answer is no, but that’s expected to change soon. There is plenty of talk about “watermarking” AI-generated content.

Also, people who use AI tools to create low-quality content that is not reviewed and improved, fact-checked, and edited by a human are not going to get poor results from Google. In fact, poorly written content using these tools – any of them – will be picked up by the Google web spam systems and, eventually, punished in rankings and driving customers to it.

Google has something called Language Model for Dialogue Applications or LaMBDA which is not available to the public as of this writing. Though it has been called sentient, it is something to take into close consideration. In short, Google created this tool as a way for computers to better mimic what is more common in conversations, open-ended conversations.

Could AI Replace Search Engines?

It is also important to remember that Google makes about 81% of its revenue from ads. As a result, Google is not inclined to turn anyone away from search engines at this point which is at least part of the reason they have not released LaMDA to the public. They don’t want to cut off their main source of revenue.

There are most likely other reasons they haven’t released it as well. CHAT GPT has been criticized for giving incorrect information as well as creating hate speech and very biased information, so to say it’s far from perfect is a big understatement. Only Google staff knows if LaMDA has the same issues, but it’s very probable. Releasing something like that would go against Google’s mindset of “Don’t be evil”.

It’s clear all this technology is in its infancy. But, it’s interesting to know about and understand as much as possible. Now is the time for us to imagine all the ways we can use this technology for our businesses as well as the advancement of humankind.

To kick around this or any digital marketing-related topics, contact the staff at Make It Loud. We have one goal: to make your business more money.

(This article was NOT written with AI)

Cliff Tillery, MBA is the Chief Operating Officer at Make It Loud which is a digital marketing firm located outside of Atlanta Georgia. He is also the Director of SEO. More than 14 years ago, he started search engine optimization at this agency and has taught digital marketing skills to business owners at the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center and other groups.

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Cliff Tillery COO
Cliff Tillery, MBA is the Chief Operating Officer and SEO Director at Make It Loud which is a digital marketing firm located outside of Atlanta Georgia. More than 15 years ago, he started search engine optimization at this award-winning agency and has taught digital marketing skills to interns and new employees, business owners at the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center, and other groups.
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