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Advice and Knowledge from EXPERTS

Our SEO Looks For Unique Ways To Use Data To Your Advantage

It seems like just yesterday that I needed to explain what search engine optimization was for potential clients., but these days, most business owners recognize the benefits of being on page one of Google.

Because no one goes to page 2. Your business will die alone on a desert island on page 2 of the search results.

Not only do more business owners recognize the need for SEO, but more people are aware of the need to really track the numbers around their marketing. Sure, it is all about ROI on your marketing, but there are other ways to use data to your advantage.

Here at Make It Loud, we challenge each other to look at ways we can make data-driven decisions to benefit our clients.

During an initial discussion about SEO with a potential client, one of the first questions we ask is “Where would you like the most visibility geographically?” Once we get our answers, we get to work on making that happen.

Here are some examples of how we take that question and begin to incorporate more data-driven decisions about our SEO efforts:

SEO For Law Firms

While working on the SEO for a local law firm that specializes in criminal defense, we did some research into the different types of crimes committed most often in the counties that they work in. Based on this data, we built our keyword and landing page strategies around these types of crimes in order to draw in more clients for their firm.

In our work with another law firm that asked us to do national SEO for their attorneys who specialize in construction law, we focused a lion’s share of our efforts in the top ten states with the most construction during that time. This helped draw in clients from those states that needed legal representation around their construction projects.

SEO For A Sports Netting Company

In our work for a local Atlanta company that specializes in custom sports netting- anything from backyard golf nets to stadium netting, we had a national SEO campaign.

It occurred to us that one of their specialties was batting cage netting along with protective netting along the back and side of stadiums. Based on that product/service, we built a landing page strategy around states with the most baseball stadiums and training facilities. This led us to cities around Florida and Arizona where the minor and major leaguers go from spring training.

The same company also makes golf nets for driving ranges so we simply did some research into the states with the most golf courses. This approach has allowed us to not only significantly increase their sales, but they let us know that we have helped them generate over a million dollars in revenue the first year of working together.

Storm Shelter SEO

With one company that hired us to do national SEO for their storm shelters, the most helpful data points became obvious. We simply needed information on where the most tornados and hurricanes occurred.

Based on that information, we targeted cities in “Tornado Alley” which is a section across the middle of the country where tornadoes are a way of life along with the lower coastal states that get hurricanes.

This approach led to a significant increase in sales for the company.

Our Approach To SEO

When people visit our shop and talk to us about helping them get more business, we don’t just think about increasing their visibility. That part is a given. Here are our initial thoughts about SEO:

  • How’s your website? If your website sucks, SEO is a waste of money because you’re driving traffic to a site that won’t convert visitors to customers. We’ve told a lot of people over the years, that they shouldn’t pay anyone for SEO until they get their site right. It’s not a sales tactic. It’s the right way to treat people.


  • Strategic partnerships– This is more than just about networking. It’s about partnering with other businesses that are targeting your target market without directly competing. Examples might include- a commercial burglar alarm company & sign company, a print shop and a web design company, or an outdoor furniture company and an outdoor kitchen provider.


  • What other marketing makes sense for you? Just as a financial planner will tell you to diversify your portfolio, you should consider diversifying your marketing. Invest in everything that works.


  • What’s preventing people from doing more business with you? There are times when all the parts of digital marketing are working but the business is still stuttering. Believe it or not, there can be simple reasons for this. Years ago, we did SEO for a water heater repair company and we were getting them leads, but the owner complained he wasn’t getting calls. Turns out, he wasn’t answering his phone!


  • What data can we collect that could give you a competitive advantage? This is where we challenge ourselves to look for information out there that might have been overlooked by your competitors- large and small.


Once we consider these factors, we get to work on your behalf. From technical SEO to content strategies, we do everything we know works to help your business become even more successful.

If you’re ready to work with a strategic partner for your digital marketing that works hard to put more money in your pocket, give us a call. We’re only successful when you are.

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Cliff Tillery COO
Cliff Tillery, MBA is the Chief Operating Officer and SEO Director at Make It Loud which is a digital marketing firm located outside of Atlanta Georgia. More than 15 years ago, he started search engine optimization at this award-winning agency and has taught digital marketing skills to interns and new employees, business owners at the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce, the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center, and other groups.
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